Volunteer in Nepal > Community volunteer work > Women empowerment program for Empowering women of Nepal

Women empowerment program for Empowering women of Nepal

Women empowerment program Nepal

Women’s Empowerment projects in Nepal is to spray the message of awareness, provide education, skills training to empower rural women’s of Nepal. Most women of Nepal are unprivileged to receive the basic education. The villages of Nepal lack proper communication and health care facility. Some of the villages in Nepal are still in dark. Women of Nepal are married at a very small age. They also give birth to a child at a very young age. It increases their mortality rate. It also distorts sex ratio and the women with good health, doesn’t know the importance of education. Women of Nepal are restricted within the four walls of the household. The biggest barrier to Empowering Women of Nepal is their health condition. Both physical and mental health of women in Nepal is poor.
Most of them are in the lowest scale of Human Development scale. The immunity power, nutrition levels are far below normal. In such situation it is important to organize women empowerment programs in Nepal. It helps to raise the awareness to educate girls and women’s. When their family and parents aware they are start to provide equal opportunities for sun and daughter without any discrimination. There are also cases where young girls are sold to many countries for sex. All this trafficking goes on unreported. Projects are being launched to stop such social crimes.
The project includes providing basic rights to the women of Nepal. In the first part, the women are given primary education and inspiration for further study. Then they are taught with skills. Then they are self-employed so that they can earn their living. There are many skills, in which these Nepal women are expert. They make small groups at home, and make some product. Their products are marketed, which generates income for livelihood. Organization invite volunteers and supporters joined hands to get these women out of darkness together. If you interested to uplift the life tendered of Nepalese girls and women’s write us. We do provide an opportunity to work at our women empowerment programs or organize your own skill sharing, educating, and awareness project in Nepalese society to empowering women’s.